
The crowntail is the result of selective breeding of the combtail by taiwan breeders.





This crowntail picture was donated by Aussie_dog.


 The veiltail was the first long fin betta type and if you cross any other fin type with a veiltail you'll get all veiltail.





This veiltail picture was donated by Tazwell.

Delta Tail

This picture was donated by Zafirah.

 Super delta tail

The Super Dalta or SD is almost a halfmoon but it only has a 170 degree span.




This SD picture was donated by Alesia.


The halfmoon or HM is so called from it's 180 tail span, If the span of the tail is under 180 it is called a Super Dalta.


Picture donated by Errin.

Halfmoon Double Tail

The Halfmoon Double Tail came about from a cross between a HM and A DT.



This picture was donated by Rogue Shadow.

More to come.