Plakats or PK For short

Plakats or PK are the original betta fin type. Their are two different types of plakat, The show plakat and The fighting plakat.

The plakats since they don't have long fins tend to live longer and Are more lively.


 This picture of this traditianal marble plakat was takin by me.

Fighting Plakats

The fighting plakats were what started the betta craze about 100 years ago. They were develop from the wild betta which could only fight a few minutes so the betta breeders in thailand selective bred the best fighters to build up the wild bettas stamina.

So to modern times the breeders of the fighting plakat cross breed to both wild bettas and domesticated stock and selective breed for hard scales, fighting style and stamina and now a betta fight can last up to 3 hours.


This picture of the fighting plakat was donated by

Traditional Plakat

The Traditional Plakat is like the fighting plakat in body shape but is  more colorful and Has a little longer fins.

The Trad PK for years was the main showing Plakat Until the Halfmoon Plakat came along and Now most people work with HMPKs.



This picture of a the Traditianal Plakat was taken by me.

Crowntail Plakats

The Crowntail Plakat or CTPK is a pretty new betta fin type it was the result of a cross between a Traditional Plakat or Halfmoon plakat and The crowntail.





The picture of the crowntail plakat was donated by Samthemaster.

Halfmoon Plakat

The halfmoon Plakat or HMPK is the result of a cross between A Trad PK and A long finned Halfmoon.




This picture was donated by Erma.

Doubletail Platkat

Donated by Zafirah.